2.1- Are there any requirements to enrol in the courses?

There are two types of courses, with different requirements, depending on whether or not they lead to a certificate of professionalism:

1.COURSES WITH CERTIFICATE OF FINALISATION (Areas of composites, wood, sail and pneumatics, installations and plastics): PRE-REGISTRATION must be made through the web forms. Interested persons must enrol in each course, indicating name, surname, e-mail and contact telephone number. All pre-registrants are summoned by telephone (and by e-mail, if they do not answer the phone) one week before the selection test.

A link with the fishing sector (training or employment) is required. See more: https://aixola.cetmar.org/requisitos-para-o-alumnado/

2. LIGHT COURSES WITH CERTIFICATE OF PROFESSIONALISM (Nets Department): To access these courses, applicants must meet any of the training requirements leading to Level 2 Professional Certificates and enrolling through the Galician Employment Offices.

In both cases, pre-registrants will be called to take an admission test for the course for which they have registered.